EagleRider FACTA Class Action Lawsuit Settlement


Another class action lawsuit has been filed for electronically printed receipts which displayed more than the last five digits of the customer’s credit or debit card account number.  In other words the receipts showed to much information on the customers credit card. This is in violation of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (a.k.a FACTA) and is not the first of its kind.  The lawsuit is entitled Yaakoby v. EagleRider and is in the jurisdiction of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.  If you or someone you know rented a motorcycle from EagleRider or any of its affiliates between the years 2006 and 2009 you could be a class member of the EagleRider FACTA Class Action Lawsuit. 

Settlement benefits include three options according to the lawsuit:

Benefit Option A.  If a EagleRider FACTA class member selects Benefit Option A, they will be entitled to receive a single, one-time motorcycle rental discount, to be reflected in a secure coupon issued for a single use at EagleRider locations. 

Benefit Option B. If a EagleRider FACTA class member selects Benefit Option B, they will be entitled to receive a single, one-time motorcycle purchase discount, to be reflected in a secure coupon issued for a single use.  The coupon is for $100 off the purchase price of a used motorcycle!

Benefit Option C.  If a EagleRider FACTA class member selects Benefit Option B, they will be entitled to receive a free EagleRider Cloth Patch.  This is not a very cool benefit.  Lets hope you qualify for option A or B. 

A user can download the claim form at the settlement admin portal here.  Please note that Adobe Acrobat (PDF) is needed in order to download the claim form.

Important dates include:

August 22, 2011:  Deadline to request an exclusion from the lawsuit.

September 1, 2011:  The settlement fairness hearing.  If you would like to speak at the fairness hearing you must submit a letter stating so.  Please entitle the letter “Notice of Intention to Appear in Yaakoby v. EagleRider, Inc.” and mail it to: Yaakoby Settlement, c/o Dahl, Inc., P.O. Box 2061, Faribault, MN 55021-2061.  You must include your name, address, phone, detail information about the statement and evidence you plan to present and then sign and date it.

December 19, 2011:  ALL claims forms must be in or postmarked by this date!