WashingtonComcastSettlement.com – Washington Comcast Class Action Settlement



If between February 19, 2006, through the entry of the Preliminary Approval Order you received a solicitation from Comcast directly or through its agents through the use of an automatic dialing and announcing device you could be included in the Washington Comcast Class Action Settlement.  Under the settlement terms each class member will get $100 for each robocall received.  All class member MUST file a claim form by 10/14/11 in order to be eligible for the $100 settlement.  To file a claim form please visit washingtoncomcastsettlement.com and print the claim form HERE

Other important dates in the Washington Comcast Class Action Settlement include:

10/28/11 – The last day to exclude yourself from the settlement
10/14/11 – The last day to file an objection
12/01/11 – The final approval hearing. The hearing will be held at Courtroom 15106, United States District Court for the Western District of Washington, 700 Stewart Street, Seattle, Washington 98101.

The case is entitled Hartman v. Comcast Business Communications, LLC., and is in the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington.

All claim forms can be mailed to:

P.O. BOX 2518
FARIBAULT MN 55021-9518

More details can be found at:  www.washingtoncomcastsettlement.com