www.casseseclassactionsettlement.com – Cassese v. Washington Mutual Class Action Lawsuit



The Cassese v. Washington Mutual Class Action Lawsuit revolves around claims that contend Washington Mutual is directly and indirectly liable for the acts of its former subsidiary, WMB, and other former WMI subsidiaries, for charging fees prior to satisfaction and settlement of Named Plaintiffs’ and Class Members’ home loans, mortgage loans, co-op loans, home equity loans or home equity lines of credit.

A user can obtain the Class Action Settlement Agreement, Order Granting Preliminary Approval to Proposed Class Action Settlement,  Bankruptcy Court Approval Order of the Proposed Class Action Settlement Agreement, Final Order and Judgment and other case related information at the settlement administrators web portal.  Adobe Acrobat Reader software will be required in order to download and access any documents from casseseclassactionsettlement.com. 

The defendant has denied any wrong doing but has agreed to a gross Settlement Fund of $13,000,000.00 in order to avoid any further court cost.  The amount of payment any one class member receives will depend on how many class members file in total, how much Disputed Fees a Class Member paid, and the amount of Attorneys’ Fees, Attorney Expenses and other costs approved by the District Court.

Any questions about the case can be directed to: Cassese v. Washington Mutual, Inc. Settlement Administrator, P.O. Box 6177, Novato, CA 94948-6177 by mail and toll-free 877-695-7497 by phone.
