www.transfermystock.com – Stock Transfer Wizard


The Stock Transfer Wizard is an easy way for a shareholder or authorized representative to prepare stock transfer forms online.  Transfermystock is very easy to use and a shareholder will need the ticker symbol, US Tax ID, Holder Account Name and Zip Code in order to access this helpful transfer service.  Please note that authorized representative acting on behalf of the shareholder will need the following information before accessing the account online:  Company Name or Ticker, Holder Account Number and the Five Digit Zip Code.  The Transfer Wizard is available to people in the United States only.  Once the transfer request is made it should process within 3 days of the request.  If the transfer requires a manual paperwork review you will most likely have to wait longer than 3 days.  Please be patient.  Once the transfer action has been completed you will receive a confirmation statement confirming the transaction.

There will be a total of 5 steps in the stock transfer process.  First you will be asked information about the account.  Second you will be prompted to the stock transfer wizard.  Third will require the customer to print and mail any relevant forms for the transaction.  Fourth will provide confirmation that ComputerShare will process the request.  Fifth each account holder will receive a confirmation receipt.  As mentioned previously Non-US resident will not be able to use the transfer wizard and must use the Deceased Transfer Package for Non US Accounts or the General Transfer Package -for Non US Accounts.  Both of the packages can be printed online.
