Employee.Coca-Cola.com – Employee Intranet


Employees of Coca-Cola Refreshments can use the Intranet site to access a variety of employment information online.  The site works best with Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or higher and any questions can be directed to the CCR Helpdesk at (800) 943-8387 or (770) 370-7690.  Please note that Adobe must be installed in order for the site to function as it should.  The Coca-Cola company was originally founded as a medicine company but has grown to the largest carbonated soft drink manufacturer in the world.  You will find a Coca-Cola soft drink in every country except Cuba and North Korea.  Coke is sure to dominant the world soft-drink market in the future.  The company was founded in 1886 and is based out of Atlanta GA.  Popular soft drink flavors include Cola, Cola Cherry, Cola Vanilla, Cola Green Tea, Cola Orange and Cola Raspberry.  In the United States a can of Coke will cost about $1.00 the vending machine. Coca-Cola currently offers more than 500 brands in over 200 countries or territories and serves over 1.7 billion servings each day.

Employees of the Coca-Cola Company number over 140,000 and are growing every year.  The firm can be found on the New York Stock Exchange under ticker symbol KO.  Main competitors include Pepsi and Dr. Pepper.
