www.HydroxatoneSettlement.com – Sabol v. Hydroxatone LLC


A class action lawsuit is pending against Hydroxatone LLC and Atlantic Coast Media Group LLC in regards to their sale of products under a Risk Free Trial and/or Auto-Shipment Program.  The two programs cited in the lawsuit were named the Preferred-Customer Beauty Program” or “Beauty Auto-Ship Program.  The lawsuit states that Hydroxatone LLC and Atlantic Coast Media Group LLC mislead customers about the terms of Risk Free Trials and Auto-Shipment Programs and refused to refund customers their money who made timely returns.  The lawsuit is entitled Sabol, et al. v. Hydroxatone LLC and Atlantic Coast Media Group LLC and is case number 2:11-cv-04586-KM-MAH.  Class members in the case will have until August 15, 2013 to submit a claim form in order to obtain a settlement.  The defendants have agreed to a $3,000,000 settlement fund which will provide cash payments to certain class members of the Hydroxatone Settlement.  There are two class action groups under the terms of the lawsuit.  Please see the class administrators website for more information.

Class members in the Hydroxatone Lawsuit are defined as:

“All Persons residing in the United States who between January 1, 2005 and March 28, 2013 paid for, and/or were charged for Hydroxatone-branded products, and/or were charged shipping and processing fees for such products, in connection with a Risk-Free Trial and/or Auto-Shipment Program.”

More information about the case can be obtained by contacting:

Hydroxatone Settlement Administrator
c/o Gilardi & Co. LLC
P.O. Box 8090
San Rafael, CA 94912-8090
Telephone: (888) 267-3071
Fax: (415) 256-9756

Class members have been assigned the following law firms by the court: Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC, McLaughlin & Stern, L.L.P., and the Law Office of Angela Edwards.  You will not have to pay these attorneys as they will be given a cut of the settlement.  This lawsuit will be heard out of the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT District of New Jersey.
