www.FogelSettlement.com – Fogel Settlement – Fogel v. Farmers



Fogel v. Farmers Lawsuit Settlement summary:

www.FogelSettlement.com Lawsuit is entitled: Fogel v. Farmers Group, Inc., No. BC300142

Lawsuit summary:  Claims that Farmers Group Inc. charged excessive management fees and made too much money which is claimed to be in violation of California State Law.  Farmers denies all wrong doing and contend the fees were reasonable.

Class Members are Defined as:  anyone who between January 1, 1999, to December 31, 2010  purchased Farmers Insurance Exchange, Fire Insurance Exchange, or Truck Insurance Exchange.

Important dates include: August 18, 2011 which is the last day to exclude or opt out of the lawsuit.  December 6, 2011 which is the date all claim forms are due.  All claim forms MUST be postmarked by that date.  September 7, 2011 is the date of the fairness hearing.  The hearing will be held at 9am PDT. 

Claim form?: Complete and submit a claim via www.fogelsettlement.com or by mail.