Mitt Romney Owns Florida in a Landslide!


Newt and Rick were just tagged with a mighty upper cut from Mitt Romney in the Sunshine state today.  Romney gathered 46.4% of the vote to win Florida Republican presidential primary on Tuesday night.  This is a huge win for Mitt and in our opinion makes it close to impossible for him to lose the GOP nomination at this point baring a unrepresented turn around.  The Mitt Romney money machine proved too much for Newt Gingrich to handle in the Sunshine state.  Romney and his supporters relentlessly pounded the Florida television air waves with anti Gingrich spots.  As a result Newt finished second with only 31.9% of the vote and Rick Santorum finished with 13.4% of the vote.

After finishing first in Iowa Mr. Santorum is pretty much finished.  Ron Paul only managed to scrape together a little over 21,000 votes or around 1%.  The former Massachusetts governor’s victory in Florida will prove to be the turning point in the race but Newt Gingrich with a well-funded super PAC, vowed to fight on.  The only real question is if Romney can reach the presidential election in well enough shape to beat the Obama money machine that makes Romeny’s money look like pennies.  The Republican nomination has taken a toll but does not seem to be much worse than what Obama had to deal with against Hillary.  Another talking point of the night should be the now fact that Romney can win conservative voters.