www.Putnam401k.com – Putnam Investments 401k



Retirement planning is an essential part of life now a days as one can not expect to live on social security alone.  Most experts agree retirement savings should begin in the early to mid 20’s for most individuals.  Putnam Investments would be an excellent point to start your 401 k planning.  Putnam offers world-class online tools and services to help make planning and investing for retirement a breeze.  Features of their online retirement services include the ability to transfer funds from one account to another, access forms online, change account information, view your current plan balance and rate of return, raise or lower your 401k contribution rate and much more.  Most questions or concerns can be handled by the Putnam customer care reps by phone between 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern Time.  If you’re a returning user to www.Putnam401k.com just have your user name and pin in order to sign in.  First time users of the site will have to provide their address, last name, zip code and birthday in order to start the sign up process.

Putnam Investments was founded in 1937 by Mr. George Putnam and is headquartered in Boston, MA.  Putnam has revenues of over $350 million dollars and claims 79 individual mutual fund offerings and 96 institutional clients.  They recently received the DALBAR Service Award for the 21st consecutive year!
