fdotdocuments.com – FDOT Documents



Florida’s TOLL-BY-PLATE Turnpike Enterprise provides relevant documents residents using the toll in the Sunshine state.  The toll by the plate program was designed to help reduce traffic pollution, traffic jams and road rage.  TOLL-BY-PLATE documents include the Pay TOLL-BY-PLATE Invoice, the Pay Unpaid Toll Violation, the Pay Uniform Traffic Citation and the If you prefer to pay with cash document.  Please have your TOLL-BY-PLATE account number and pin on standby as it may be needed to access certain documents.

If you received a TOLL-BY-PLATE invoice document for failure to pay a toll you can make a payment by Visa, Mastercard, American Express or your Discover credit card.  Payments are accepted online or by phone.  If paying by mail you MUST send a check or money order (no cash will be accepted by mail).  Failure to pay will result in your driver’s license will being suspended and you will not be allowed to renew your vehicle registration.  If you’re traveling by rental car please check with your rental car provider as many companies are offering toll payment programs to their customers.  Good luck and be safe when driving in the Sunshine state.
