Kinoki Foot Pads Class Action Lawsuit Settlement


If you bought Kinoki Foot Pads and they did not live up to the “absorb toxins from your body” promise you may be a class member of the Kinoki Foot Pads Class Action Lawsuit Settlement.  Many customers purchased these pads based on the promise that wearing these pads would help reduce and absorb toxins from their bodies.  The plantiffs states if they knew that the pads did not follow through on this product they would of never purchased the Kinoki Foot Pads. 

A full refund or up to $30 cash is available under the settlement terms.  If you have a receipt your eligible for the full refund.  If you do not have the receipt your eligible for the $30 cash refund.  This lawsuit is entitled Priscilla Hojiwala, et al. vs. Idea Village Products Corp and all claim forms must be filed or postamrked by July 1, 2011.  The settlement fairness hearing is set for July 22, 2011.  If you wish to speak at the hearing please notify the court by July 1, 2011 by sending a letter saying that it is your “Notice of Intent to Appear”.

It should be noted that Kinoki denies all allegations of wrongdoing and of liability, however, both sides agreed to the Settlement to avoid the cost and risk of further litigation.  A potential class member can access the following documents at

•Preliminary Approval Order
•Settlement Agreement
•Notice of Proposed Class Action Settlement
•Claim Form
•Opt Out Form

 The online claim form can be found here in the Kinoki Foot Pads Class Action Settlement.