www.callrecordingsettlement.com – Visa Prepaid Debit Card Customer Service Lawsuit



Earth to Visa, Earth to Visa… you have another class action lawsuit on your hands.  The Visa Prepaid Debit Card Customer Service Lawsuit is entitled Francisco Marenco vs. Visa Inc. and revolves around claims that some customers had their phone conversations recorded without their consent in violation of state laws.  The states included in this lawsuit include California, Florida, Maryland, New Hampshire, Nevada, or Washington.  If you were located in one of those states prior to October 1, 2010, and spoke with a live customer service rep. associated with a phone number for certain prepaid Visa debit card you may be a class member of this lawsuit. 

The CallRecordingSettlement is in the Jurisdiction of the United States District Court, Central District of California and is case number CV10-8022 DMG.  A fairness settlement hearing will be held on November 28, 2011 at 9:30 a.m. on 312 N. Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 to determine if the settlement is fair and just among other things. 

All objections to the lawsuit are due by November 7, 2011 and you must file a written objection with Class Counsel and Counsel for Visa that clearly and concisely explains the legal and factual basis for your objection.

Although Visa denies all wrong doing a total settlement of $18,000,000 has been proposed by Visa in order to avoid any further cost.  The money will be placed into an interest bearing escrow account following preliminary approval of the Settlement.
