www.EmployeeConnection.net/insite – Macy’s Employee Connection Services



Employees of Macy’s can obtain benefits related to their employment at the Employee Connection web portal.  The site is easy to use and is pop up free.  HeaLth benefits, 401k benefits, tax forms, health forms, communication resources and much more are available at EmployeeConnection.net/insite.  Please note that in order to download forms you must have  Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.  The forms will take up to two minutes to download so please be patient. 

One of the more recommend benefit programs include the Matching Gifts program.  This program encourages employees to contribute to their local communities and in turn make them a better place to live and work.  If your eligible you should also check out the 401 k benefit program.  It is never to early to start planning your retirement.  The 401k benefit program is run by Merrill Lynch. 
