www.ClaimYourRebate.com – Claim the rebate for your purchase



Claim Your Rebate online and is part of the Free Shipping Network.  This popular rebates program allows a customer to redeem discounts and obtain membership protection benefits.  Many merchants are included in this program like Canvas People, Cookie Kids, Full Of Life, eBay, and NFL Snuggie just to name a few.  In order to use the ClaimYourRebate please select the company from the drop down box and click on go.  You will need to provide your name and a valid email address in order to make a claim.  Free Instant Rebates, Cash Back Free Shipping, Return Shipping and money saving Coupons are some example of rebates that might be offered. 

 James from Dallas Texas has this to say:  “A directory of over 1000 merchants is recognized through the Claim Your Rebate program.  I couldn’t believe the number of stores in your program. Now, I don’t have to wait for a free shipping offer, because I know I’ll always get my shipping charges back. I saved over $200 this year alone.”

 Overall this seems like a pretty good rebate program with good reviews across the web.
