www.BenefitsCalWin.org – CalWIN Health Benefits



BenefitsCalWin provides information about the CalFresh Program benefits (aka food stamps), cash aid benefits, employment services  and Medi-Cal (the states offical Medicaid health care program).  This website is operated by the State and is an easy way to learn about and apply for assistance.  Please note that certain benefits varies by county and are not the same across the board.  So just because your eligible for a specific benefit in one county does not mean your eligible for that same benefit in another. 

The popular and underfunded CALWorks program provides cash aid, employment services, and other benefits.  To be eligible for this program you must have a child in the household, a pregnant women in their last trimester, certain pregnant or parenting teens and certain non-parent relatives who are caring for the child(ren).  A child is defined as a boy or girl who is under the age of 18 OR under age 19 if the child is currently attending high school and will graduate before their 19th birthday.  A laundry list of other rules and regulations can be found here.

Medi-Cal is California’s Medicaid health care program which help assist needy families with health care.  Medi-Cal is administered by
the County Social Services Agencies and is supported by Federal and State taxes.  This is another program that has sever financial issues.  You might be eligible for this program pending your income and if your 65 years of age or older, 21 years of age or younger, a pregnant woman, blind, receiving nursing home care, and if your between 21 to 65 and meet the specified qualification.  Please go here to learn more about Medi-Cal.

The CalWIN Health web portal is fairly easy to use but most benefit applications are pretty complicated.  A variety of qualifications and screeners must be cleared. 
