www.epayitonline.com – ePayITOnline



To pay your statement online please visit ePayITOnline and have your code ID on hand.  For refunds and exchanges the rules are as follows: refunds will be considered when payments exceed charges for all dates of service and no exchanges are available since they do not sell or ship physical products.   Any questions or concerns about ePayItOnline can be made to ePayItOnline Privacy, c/o data media inc., PO Box 2305 Alpharetta, Georgia, 30023 USA.

The site is really easy to use and is pop up free and is run by Red River Valley Radiology Associates, P.A..  Data Media, Inc. is the online payment bill provider and all questions revolving around bill payments can be directed to them at (903) 784-4473 Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm. 
