www.NewAmerica23.com – New America 23 Real or Fake



Most financial experts agree that the events predicted at New America websites are over blown.  The New America commercials and web portals are operated by Mr. Porter Stansberry who owns and operates Stansberry & Associates Investment Research firm.  A few points of interest on Porter that you should note before buying into any of the products or services he pushed:  1.  The SEC sued him in the year 2002 for a “scheme to defraud public investors by disseminating false information in several Internet newsletters” and won  2.  In the year 2007 he was force to pay a penalty of $1.5 million in restitution and civil penalties by the Civil Court due to “Stansberry’s conduct undoubtedly involved deliberate fraud, making statements that he knew to be false.” in relation to his investment firm Pirate Investor a.k.a Stansberry & Associates and 3.  He predicts there will be riots in the streets when the U.S Treasury “bubble” burst and US Dollar will pretty much become worthless.  He recommends that investors invest in 50% gold and 50% cash.  “If you go anywhere around the world, most wealthy people have already abandoned the dollar,” he says. “If you look at the commodity complex you can see very clearly that many people around the world have [already] abandoned the dollar as the reserve currency.”  Stansberry also recommends to short all US stocks if you have the means and knowledge to do so.  Most feel like the above evidence speaks for itself and you should not be duped into purchasing anything associated with www.newamerica23.com or any of the other New America videos.  If you still have interest in his products it will cost you $49.95 for a one year subscription which include a newsletter and daily Digest reports.  Only time will tell if his outrageous predictions or what some are calling scare tactics will come true.
