www.AutomaticTelephoneCallSettlement.com – Clearwire Telephone Call Class Action Lawsuit


Illegal telephone calls soliciting services or attempting to collect debt made by Clearwire is the topic of today’s class action lawsuit.  Class members in the case are defined as anyone who received a phone call from Clearwire or one of its vendors after August 31, 2005 in relation to collections, solicitation, “service,” or any other purpose.  It would be worth your time to file a claim as class member could receive up to a $100 settlement payment.  The Clearwire Telephone Call Class Action Lawsuit is entitled Kwan v. Clearwire Corp., et. al., and is Case No. C09-1392-JLR out of the Western District Court of Washington at Seattle.  The lawsuit claims Clearwire violated state and federal laws when making these phone calls.  Clearwire denies all wrong doing in the case.  A settlement fairness hearing will be held at 700 Stewart Street, Seattle, Washington 98101 on May 6th 2013 to determine the final settlement terms.  You do not have to attend this hearing in order to claim a settlement.  The court has appointed the law firm of Williamson & Williams (2239 W Viewmont Way W, Seattle, WA 98199) to represent class members.  The total amount sought for attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses will not exceed $2,900,000.00.  Claim Forms must be filed no later than the deadline of May 27, 2013.  Any claims received at the deadline will be deemed void.

Please do not contact Clearwire about this lawsuit.  AutomaticTelephoneCallSettlement.com provides more information about the case, court documents, the claim form and contact information.  Any class members looking to exclude themselves from the Clearwire Telephone Call Class Action Lawsuit will have until March 28, 2013 to do so.  Clearwire will be represented by Stephen M. Rummage from the law firm of Davis Wright Tremaine LLP located at 1201 Third Avenue, Suite 2200 Seattle, WA 98101.

Kwan v. Clearwire Corporation
c/o GCG
P.O. Box 35043
Seattle, WA 98124-3508
