www.MGMResorts.BenefitsNow.com – MGM Resorts Benefits



The MGM Resorts International Benefits Service Center is for employees of Aon Hewitt which is a global leader in human resource consulting and outsourcing solutions.  First time users at mgmresorts.benefitsnow.com will be required to create a user account before gaining access.  (The Username must be 6 – 15 characters and is not case-sensitive; and it must not contain spaces. Your Password will need to be 8 – 12 characters; is case-sensitive; must not contain spaces.  You will also need to provide your last name, your Username or the word “password).  In order to gain access a user must complete the personal information and account information section of the site. If you’re a returning user you will not be required to go through the account registration process.  Just have your Username and Password ready and access the site by entering the information at the MGM Resorts Benefits Center.  If you have any technical difficulties with the website please call toll-free  (866) 760-0077 or contact your Human Resource Department.  Aon Hewit is a multi billion dollar company with 29,000 professionals in 90 countries.  They claim to make the world a better place to work for clients and their employees.  The MGM Resorts International Benefits Service Center is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week to users with access online.